I’m Caroline De Kimpe,

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Women In Leadership Confidence Coach

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Hey there,

For the longest time, I've struggled to define how I want to support women.

Sure, I can do it in many ways, believe me, but finding a path that aligns with my talents and strengths isn't as easy as one might think.

And let's be honest, isn't this what we're all trying to do?

Finding work or a career that allows us to truly be ourselves and encourages us to become better, to make a bigger impact – all without selling our soul or burning out.

Is it even possible?

The answer is a resounding yes.

How do I know? Because I've spent the longest time searching for this answer.

I was afraid that what I wanted didn't exist, so I constantly compromised.

But here's the thing: because I believed it wasn't possible, I compromised without even trying to see if it was.

I've learned that there are two parts of work you need to integrate – yin and yang, masculine and feminine.

On one side, there are career strategies, techniques, and advice that I teach and share.

On the other side, there's inner work that is equally, if not more, important.

These are things we often dismiss or overlook in their importance – building emotional resilience, calming our inner critic, and overcoming imposter feelings.

And here's the thing: no external strategy will work if the inner work isn't done.

Yes, success might be reached, but at what cost?

I'm here to teach and share both sides, to give you the gift of sustainable, long-term change.

This is not just my work; it's my wish, my mission, and my passion.

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